Veterinary Technician Scholarships

Having a career in the veterinary field can be rewarding especially if you are fond of animals. Many individuals who find affinity with animals typically pursue their career as veterinary doctor or veterinary technician. On the other hand, studying as Veterinary Technician might be very expensive. Veterinary technology is a good alternative, and these programs typically last a shorter duration. Some schools offer scholarships that can help you fulfill your dream of becoming a vet tech.

Here are a few examples of notable veterinary technician scholarships.

NAVTA Scholarship. The National Association of Veterinary Technicians NAVTA, together with the American Kennel Club, put forward scholarships to be given to students who aspire to enter the field of veterinary technology. Each qualified scholar will be given in an amount of $1,000 annually. Students who are qualified will have to reapply at each academic year in order to get renewed for the scholarship.


  • Candidates should be full-time students at a Veterinary Technician school or college accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
  • Applicant must be a National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) student member or at least a member of a NAVTA Student Chapter.
  • Scholarship beneficiaries are chosen based on the scholastic accomplishment, participation in activities in the small animal and exotics studies, and activities in NAVTA and SCNAVTA.


  • The application forms must be completed and the candidates should have to answer the questions correctly and accurately.
  • The applicants must present copies of their scholastic transcripts when applying and reapplying for the scholarship.
  • The application forms for the scholarship will be sent to all accredited Veterinary Technician colleges. For further information, updates and additional information will be posted on the American Kennel Club and National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America websites.

Laurie Page-Peck Scholarship. The Laurie Page-Peck Scholarship has been a program of the Association of Zoo Veterinary Technicians (AZVT). The AZVT gives funds to the scholarship program that awards deserving students who aspire to become zoo veterinary technicians. The scholarships to be distributed are usually in the amount of $ 1,000 per school year.


  • Interested students must develop and write their own scientific articles for them to present in the associations’ annual conference. The papers of the winners will be published.


  • The application forms must be completed and the candidates should be able to answer the questions correctly and accurately. The application form must be submitted by the date given by the organization in their office.
  • The applicants must present copies of their scholastic transcripts when applying and reapplying for the scholarship.

Oxbow Scholarship. Another scholarship available for aspiring veterinary technicians who show interest in small and exotic medicine is the Oxbow Scholarship. The scholarship provides $500 paid to the qualifiers’ colleges directly in September of the fall semester.


  • The application forms must be completed and the candidates should be able to answer the questions correctly and accurately.
  • The applicants must present copies of their scholastic transcripts when applying and reapplying for the scholarship.