Veterinary Technician Magazines

Veterinary technicians are not only nurses of animals. They also work as radiology technicians, medical technologists, dentists, anesthetists, secretary and counselor in the world of animals. Learning does not stop after receiving a veterinary technology license. Veterinary technicians need to be continuously updated with the newest trends in veterinary technology and medicine. These updates are then integrated to their everyday work in order for them to provide quality care to animals.

The newest trends in animal medicine and even newest career opportunities for new and old licensed vet techs could be found in veterinary technician magazines. Also, Continuing Education or CE credits are also available in some of the magazines. A veterinary technician who is busy with work need not come to attend seminars and continuing education classes, since CE credits can be obtained thru reading and answering questions in CE articles from these accredited magazines. There are extensive lists of vet tech magazines available for those who wish to avail them.

Veterinary Technician Magazine CE Credits

Education is a never-ending process. Even graduate and licensed vet techs need updates every now and then. The Veterinary Technician Magazine is published for this purpose. And even for those who are already employed but have no time to attend classes, continuing education is being offered by reading articles in the Veterinary Technician Magazine, answering the questions provided, and then mailing the answers for evaluation and crediting.

National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) Journal

The NAVTA Journal is a magazine published by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians solely for the benefit of their members. It is released quarterly (every 3 months). This publication promotes enhancement of veterinary technology and advocates continuous learning, growth, and advancement. It also promotes quality and fosters standards in animal medicine.


TechNews is a journal published quarterly by the Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians. It contains different feature stories, latest news on veterinary medicine, current events and discoveries. Additional information about veterinary technology such as surgical procedures, prophylaxis, emergency animal care, intensive care, radiography, and the like, are also included for the benefit of the veterinary technologist readers. Three continuing education articles are found in every issue and one CE credit per quiz.

Veterinary Technician

Published by the MediMedia Animal Health, the Veterinary Technician Journal has been published for more than 30 years. For the benefit of veterinary technologists/technicians, the Veterinary Technician magazine has published various articles about animal nutrition, case reports, interventions, pet grooming, important health care practices, and even integration between animal and human health.

Active learning potentiates one’s career growth. Many veterinary technology associations support and actively promote continuous learning of veterinary technologist/technicians, such as the American Veterinary Medicine Association and the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America. Hence, magazines and journals exclusively for vet techs are approved and accredited by these associations. Newest procedures on animal medicine are also tackled by the Veterinary Technician. Thru this, they aim to make the readers become responsible, personable, motivated licensed veterinary technician.