Veterinary Technician Emblem or Caduceus
The Meaning Behind the Veterinary Technician Emblem or Caduceus
Veterinary medicine is a branch of science which deals with the care of animals – pets, wildlife, and livestock animals, through medical, dental, and therapeutic interventions. Being part of medicinal field, the scope of veterinary medicine is vast, and it includes veterinary technology. Veterinary technologists or veterinary technicians work hand in hand with veterinary doctors in order to ensure the well being of animals. Being nurses of animals, vet techs employ technical skills to assist in keeping the health of animals – both sick and well, in check. Among the vast similarities of veterinary technology with other fields of medicine – lengthy education, credentialing, and licensure, is that veterinary technologists also carry an emblem or caduceus.
The caduceus, which came from the Greek word kerykeion, is often shown as a short staff with two serpents entwined forming two helices, and surrounded by a pair of wings. According to Greek mythology, this staff was borne by Hera’s personal messenger, named Iris. Others say it is Mercury’s wand. Later in the history of mythology, the caduceus was said to be used by Mercury as he guides the dead to the underworld. This symbol often connotes Mercury, the god of merchants, shepherds, guide of the dead and protector of thieves, gamblers, and liars.
The caduceus is often mistaken for the rod of Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing. The rod of Asclepius is depicted by a staff encircled by a single serpent. These symbols were adopted by medicine since the snake symbolizes rejuvenation. It also symbolizes sickness and health, and dying and living. For most part, this is an apt description of the medical profession, since clinical practitioners often deal with life and death. They struggle to help the sick become well, and help prolong the life of the dying patient.
The caduceus has been the symbol of medical practice for the longest time. Veterinary technology, being a part of the medical field, also made use of the caduceus to symbolize their profession. But unlike the caduceus of other medical practitioners, such as the physicians and the nurses, the caduceus of vet techs was modified to serve as an apt symbol for their profession.
Marked differences are noticeable with the veterinary technician caduceus. First, instead of using a rod or staff, they made use of the letter “T” where a sole snake hang entwined. At the bottom is another symbol, the letter “V” which is written in front of the “T”. For most part, this symbol, or emblem, is an appropriate representation. “V” is for the word veterinary while “T” is for the word technician, technology, or technologist. The snake represents death and life, health and wellbeing and sickness.
The vet tech caduceus is an emblem, a constant reminder. It reminds the vet techs that their profession is not only medical in nature, but also caring and curative. That as they pledge to become professional licensed veterinary assistant, they should never forget that they have a duty to protect the animals and the animal owners as well.