Veterinary Technician Degree

Pursuing a Veterinary Technician Degree

Nowadays, pet owners are in need of proper veterinary care for their animals, and they need trained professionals to provide them that kind of service. One of the many professions that offer this kind of service is a veterinary technician. Veterinary technicians are people who are well trained and educated in animal care and they are tasked to help or assist veterinarians in various capacities. During surgery, they mainly assist veterinarians by preparing the right equipment and tools, and also by making sure that the machines are working properly and in good condition. They also check for equipment stability during operations on your dear animal pets.

Veterinary technicians are expected to be educated and to have extensive knowledge in the field of animal care. Some examples of their skills helping with diagnosing diseases, training and supervising clinical personnel, learning to evaluate disease conditions, and giving the proper treatment, as necessary. Veterinary technicians learn these skills both from a classroom setting and from hands-on experience. Veterinary technicians usually work in private veterinary offices, in research facilities, and even in the field. While they are not allowed and are not able to give prescriptions, perform surgeries or diagnose illnesses, vet techs are knowledgeable in these, and can assist a veterinary doctor in these responsibilities.

Individuals interested in taking veterinary technician should take many high school math, science, biology courses as possible. The knowledge in these said subjects will be very useful. Science related courses should be able to give students insights and experience needed in a laboratory or clinical setting.

The first professional level of education that is required for a veterinary technician student is an Associate’s degree. In the United States, to become a credentialed veterinary technician, one needs to attend a two-year or three-year AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) or CVMA (Canadian Veterinary Medical Association) accredited school. Some schools also offer a more rigorous four-year program leading to a Bachelor’s degree.

After completing the academic program, the veterinary technician graduate will have to take the veterinary technician certification exam. In veterinary technology, having a degree is only a part of the many requirements for credentialing. After earning a degree, candidates who wish to be credentialed must take on a credentialing exam depending on the requirements of the state or province. In the US, this is the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE). These tests may be administered by a state licensing board, depending on what state a veterinary technician intends to gain credentials.

In 2009, about 160 programs that are based in veterinary technology in 45 states were accredited by the AVMA. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the future is shining brightly for veterinary technician students because the career outlook is promising. and it is expected to increase well in the future.

The fast rise of pet owners and in pet health raise techniques makes having a degree as a veterinary technician a smart choice for animal lovers. They can fully know more about their pets, and may help a veterinarian check his pet well, since he knows more about his pet than anyone does.