Veterinary Technician Association

Maintaining your level of expertise in being a veterinary technician is usually just as challenging as obtaining a degree. Your career does not end in getting that diploma. Every single day is a learning experience, and a helping hand is always appreciated.

Finding an association to join would prove to be very beneficial for your career as a veterinary technician. Associations like the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) have nothing but the best interests of their members at heart. The organization lobbies for veterinary technicians rights, and is committed to developing their fellow technician’s careers.

Vet tech associations also advocate the development and enhancement of their profession through several channels, such as education and public relations. Members of these associations are helpful to one another as they try to boost everyone up in their respective careers. Being able to catch this network will surely open a lot of doors for possible job offers or additional education credentials.

Vet tech associations also have their own Code of Ethics. A standard code is necessary and essential to a profession. There are several primary functions for the code. First, it aims to embody the ideals of the veterinary technician profession with the public and with associates in the profession. Second, it serves as a general guide for ethical conduct by vet techs. Finally, it aspires to provide standards of adequate demeanor. This way, corrective measures can be imposed against individuals who fall lower than the standards.

This is the standard Code of Ethics of Veterinary Technicians in America, as provided for in

1. “Veterinary technicians shall aid society and animals through providing excellent care and services for animals.”
2. “Veterinary technicians shall prevent and relieve the suffering of animals.”
3. “Veterinary technicians shall promote public health by assisting with the control of zoonotic diseases and informing the public about these diseases.”
4. “Veterinary technicians shall assume accountability for individual professional actions and judgments.”
5. “Veterinary technicians shall protect confidential information provided by clients.”
6. “Veterinary technicians shall safeguard the public and the professional against individuals deficient in professional competence or ethics.”
7. “Veterinary technicians shall assist with efforts to ensure conditions of employment consistent with the excellent care for animals.”
8. “Veterinary technicians shall remain competent in veterinary technology through commitment to life-long learning.”
9. “Veterinary technicians shall collaborate with members of the veterinary medical profession in efforts to ensure quality health care services for all animals.”

The general rules listed in the vet technician’s code give vet techs a good guide in maintaining and upholding their professionalism. Ideals can be reasonably met just by keeping this code in mind. However, it doesn’t stop in maintenance. Veterinary technicians must also keep the information flowing. They must never let the knowledge become stale and/or stagnant. Since everyday is a learning experience, there must not be a moment of idle in a vet technician’s pool of knowledge.

Finally, a veterinary technician must never forget the driving force behind this career: his animal companion. The veterinary technician, much like a nurse, must be able to strike a balance between compassion and disconnection. Understanding and practicing this aspect daily will inevitably make you one of the most sought-after veterinary technicians in your area.